Preserving the soup


It’s always a good idea to raw promotions  have a couple of jars of your favorite soup close at hand. We open it, heat it up and it’s ready! Preserving, i.e. protecting against air access for a long time, is very simple, you just need to remember a few rules. I  raw promotions personally often pour a little or two small jars for my son from freshly cooked soup to preserve (without cooking), thus the soup is  raw promotions always available in our house :).

1. Preparation

I choose classic screw top jars, not  raw promotions cracked, without chipping and rust-free caps with even edges. Before filling, I always scald the jars and lids (I pour boiling water for a few moments, pour out, wipe the rim of the jar and lids with a clean  raw promotions cloth). Additionally, the jars can be sterilized in the oven (180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes).

2. PACKING JARS WITHOUT COOKING – it  soupure coupon allows you to store the soup in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Step 1. Pour the hot soup into the hot jars  soupure coupon and close it tightly.Step 2. Turn the closed jars upside down,  soupure coupon because then you can see if any screw caps are leaking out (then the contents will leak out immediately) and leave it to cool down for several or several hours.
Step 3. After cooling down, I turn the jars over and put them in the fridge.

3. PASTEURIZATION – allows you venmo promo  to store the soup for up to 3 months.

1) the way of cooking:

  • Step 1. Fill the hot jars with the soup, venmo promo  leaving 2-3 cm from the top edge and tighten it carefully.
  • Step 2. Put a special, metal  venmo promo pasteurization insert on the bottom of a large pot (you can also use a clean kitchen cloth) to prevent the jars from cracking during cooking in contact with the bottom of the pot.
  • Step 3. Put jars of venmo promo  similar height into the pot, placing them loosely (so that water can flow freely between them).
  • Step 4. Pour hot water over the jars so that it is about 3 cm below the lowest jar and bring to the boil.
  • Step 5. Pasteurize the jars for  venmo promo 20-30 minutes after boiling, reducing the temperature so that the water is only bubbling slightly. The lids of the jars should bulge and gently pop.
  • Step 6. Take the jars out of the boiling water, press the lids, tighten them again, turn them upside down and set aside for a few or a dozen hours to cool down.
  • Step 7. After cooling down, I turn the jars over and put them in the fridge.

2) “dry” method in the oven:

Step 1. Fill the hot jars with the soup, raw promotions  leaving 2-3 cm from the top edge and tighten it carefully.
Step 2. Turn the screwed jars upside down,  raw promotions because then you can see if any screw caps are leaking out (then the contents will leak out immediately) and leave raw promotions  them to cool down for a few or a dozen hours.
Step 3. I put the cold jars on a baking tray and put them  soupure coupon in the cold oven so that they do not touch each other.
Step 4. I set the oven to 170 degrees  soupure coupon C for about 20-25 minutes.
Step 5. When I see that the soup in  venmo promo the jars is bubbling up, I turn off the oven and leave everything to cool down.
Step 6. After cooling down, the soups  venmo promo can be stored.


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